The resistance of fixings depends largely on the properties of the substrate. Since they are not always known in construction projects, job site tests give some indication whether an anchor is suitable for a respective substrate. Using a mobile pull-out system, the characteristic resistance of a plastic anchor can be determined on the construction site. … Weiterlesen

Schallschutz Gebäude

We all want to feel comfy and cosy at home. Apart from the right thermal insulation, sound insulation is equally important when it comes to our wellbeing at home. Soundproofing is therefore an important feature of any quality home. Purely mechanically fastened insulation boards will have a positive impact on keeping sound out. Our cities … Weiterlesen

wdvs sanierung

Fastening external thermal insulation composite systems with rails? That’s in the past. Stricter national technical approvals have made the installation more expensive. “There are definitely better solutions around now,” says Markus Fröwis of FRÖWIS Fastening Systems, thinking not only economic efficiency. An external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) always consists of individual components adjusted to … Weiterlesen

Mechanical fastening systems are one of three options to secure a thermal insulation system to a façade. Owing to their high load-bearing capacity, they are considered safe ETICS fasteners that absorb wind loads and the weight of a system by means of certified steel screws with a high bending moment and the holding forces in … Weiterlesen

Mechanische Befestigung

While in glued and dowelled external thermal insulation composite systems anchors can be literally regarded as emergency anchors, in purely mechanical fastening systems the ETICS anchor takes on the function of an adhesive, carrying the entire load of the system. The mechanical force easily tolerates existing properties of substrate and wall surface, expanding the range … Weiterlesen